Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Smile Direct Club - Treatment Plan Received

After wearing the starter trays for a week, I finally received my treatment plan.
I received a pdf file which you can "play" like a video. It starts with the starter tray and continues to move through each tray until the final result.
At first, I was looking at it through my phone so I didn't doodle around the file. I immediately "live chat" one of the representatives expressing my concerns with my top teeth.
As you may tell from the front view, the "stick out" tooth on the top did get straightened but it seems it's still sticking out a little. My concern is I won't be able to brush the back part of my tooth, then I  will completely lost all the purpose of going through this treatment.
After talking to 2 representatives, requesting for a "side view" of the treatment plan, I was informed that I cannot view the treatment side ways. If I need further assistance I will have to call their customer care specialist.

So I called them and immediately was informed that I can doodle the pdf file to look at the side-view of the treatment, and so as the top and bottom view. I was more relieved afterwards that the stick-out tooth doesn't really stick that much and it does align better with my other tooth. But it would still be tilted sideways.
The helpful customer representative said he could consult the doctors there to see if there is anything they are do to fix that, but unfortunately, they couldn't do anything with it. It would require traditional treatment and I'll be looking at $5000 cost for the treatment (which I would not prefer to pay and this was the reason for trying SCC).

This customer representative was actually very helpful and answered all my questions and my concerns. I told him I was having trouble with the views since I was looking at the treatment plan through my phone, he even recorded a video of all the views through his computer and send it to my email immediately.

After thinking this through for the night, I decide to give it a try even though that tooth would still be tilted. The bottom one looks great though. And I hope the stick-out tooth would not be so visible anymore and that I would be able to brush the back of it because right now I am not able to brush the back of that at all.

My other concern would be the bite though. After wearing my starter tray and my teeth have been moved, my bite is very different now that I can't grind anything with my molars. It definitely feels different but I would see how the treatment goes and express my concern maybe in the middle of the treatment if it is still not corrected.

The treatment will include 20 sets of trays and it would last 14 months in total, changing each set of trays for every 3 weeks.
The total treatment cost is $1500 included $100 discount that they automatically included for me so it comes out with $1400. 

I will keep updating. Wish me luck! :)


  1. Hey! How is your treatment plan working? I would like to do this for my daughter who has a similar problem. Hope it's going well for you!

    1. Hi, I'm currently on my 11th tray which is halfway of my treatment. I've updated my blog with some pictures. You can read it here. Thank you for reading!

